
The competitions nominated to Polish Culinary Cup 2020


By the decision of the Program Board of the Polish Culinary Cup, which was held in August 2019, the nomination for the 20th jubilee edition of the Polish Culinary Cup can be won by winning one of the nine competitions below.

1. Kulinarny Rajd Mistrzów, Wrocław - the winner >>>

2. Konkurs „L’art De la cuisine Martell”, Ryn (culinary competition „L’art De la cuisine Martell”) - cancelled

3. Festiwal Kuchni Dworskiej, Zamek w Baranowie Sandomierskim (Court Cuisine Festival, Baranów Sandomierski Castle) - cancelled

4. Wielkopolski Kucharz Roku. Konkurs im. R. Jelewskiego, Poznań (Greater Poland Chef of the Year. Competition R. Jelewski, Poznań) - cancelled

5. Ogólnopolski Konkurs Kulinarny „Kuchnia Polska Wczoraj i Dziś” (National Culinary Competition "Polish Cuisine Yesterday and Today")

6. Dworzyskowy Konkurs Kuchni Myśliwskiej, 29.08.2020, Szczawno-Zdrój (The Hunter's Kitchen Culinary Competition, Szczawno-Zdrój)

7. Smaki Galicji, Gorajec (Tastes of Galicia, Gorajec) - cancelled

8. Archimagirus - Zamek Gniew (Archimagirus - Gniew Castle)

9. Mistrzostwa Polski w Podawaniu Baraniny i Święto Baraniny, Ustroń (Polish Championships in Passing Mutton and Feast of Mutton, Ustroń) - cancelled